147 Wappoo Creek Drive, Suite 202
Charleston, SC 29412 USA
+1 843.577.9800
Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 5:30 EST

This website’s purpose is to provide general information about attorney B.C. Killough of BC Killough PA and the Kim, Lahey & Killough law firm Charleston SC office. Killough, nor the firm, has not constructed this website to provide legal advice or counsel, nor to advertise the firm or solicit prospective clients. Your use of this website is limited to receiving general information about the firm and you understand and agree that such use is not intended to nor will such use create an attorney-client relationship.
We have provided the firm’s contact information. However, you should be aware that the mere act of contacting, communicating, or sending information about your particular legal situation to our firm will not create an attorney-client relationship. If you are not an existing client of the firm, any communication with us will not be privileged nor will it create an attorney-client relationship. As such, do not send us any communication that contains confidential information without our prior written consent.